Iriseli Miret-moor

established 2014, written by @straycatte. she/they mun & muse are 21+ Minors DNI

≫ This carrd/character may deal with nsfw/triggering themes
≫ Mature / Dark / Slice of Life


She was made to blow you away. She don't care what any man say. You can watch her strut but keep your mouth shut or it's ruination day

ooc. Hi! I'm Fox or whatever character name you know me as. My pronouns are She/They. I've been writing Iriseli for years as well as many others in different universes and games. While my characters are confident or assholes, not all are I promise, I'm pretty shy and reclusive OOC. I'm over 25, I prefer anyone I rp with to be at least 21 IC and OOC.

activity. I can either be super active or nonexistent depending on a multitude of things such as my work, sleep schedule, or my mood. If you're looking for someone who is extremely consistent, I'm probably not the person for you. That doesn't mean we can't interact or be pals.

Things I'm fine with:

  • mature themes

  • crime

  • horror

  • slice of life

  • comedy

  • plot driven rp

Things I'm NOT fine with:

  • my character dying

  • noncon rp

  • drama

  • rp with players and characters under 21

  • I also have no interest in RPing if you use terms like f#ta, F+, tr#p.

disclaimers. while I am fine with darker themes and perma-injuries, I do prefer them to be discussed first. I also typically prefer we've had multiple interactions beforehand.
communication is key. Also don't be weird toward me.

Iriseli isn't meant to be nice, however, I'm rather friendly and I have plenty of characters who are as well! So even if you're not interested in her but are interested in writing with me, hit me up!She is also not an ERP alt, if that is your main goal please look elsewhere.


But I could be your goddess. I'm waiting in the garden, the two of us will never win. Forgive me father I have sinned

Break up with your girlfriend, yeah, yeah, 'cause I'm bored. You could hit it in the mornin' -- Yeah, yeah, like it's yours. I know it ain't right, but I don't care

  name.    Iriseli Miret-moor
  age.    rude to ask (25)
  race.     Half Viera | Hyur
  face ref.     Eiza Gonzalez
  birthday.     July 30th
  astrological sign.     leo
  gender.     female
  pronouns.     she/her
  sexuality.     moneysexual

"Honey, I wanna break you, I wanna throw you to the hounds. Yeah, I gotta hurt you, I gotta hear it from your mouth. Boy, I wanna taste you, I wanna skin you with my tongue. I'm gonna kill you, I'm gonna lay you in the ground"

  height.     She stands at a proud height of 5'3", though she seems taller with the heeled stiletto styled boots she's usually wearing
  hair color.    Long dark chocolate tresses hang loosely past her shoulders; they're waved and curled towards the ends.
  build.   An hourglass figure.
  eye color.     Green
  voice.     When speaking her tone comes out low, honeyed, and silvery.
  scent.      If one got closer they might smell her expensive perfume; the scent consists of exotic black lotus flowers, honeysuckles, and an undertone of a light earthy musk.

  miscellaneous details.     she usually has some form of knife on her and if she cannot carry one, her fire will do just as well.

  job occupation.    Assassin for hire & informant. Maneater.
  place of origin.     Golmore Jungle
  home.    Kugane
  affiliation.     The Spider Lily, The Crimson Lotus
  marital status.     Dating herself.

  likes.     fire, getting under people’s skin, being nosy, harming others, plotting, bringing people down who stand in her way, money, compliments, power, her family, expensive wine, dresses, shoes, jewelry, her cats, music, having fun, and lovely scents.
  dislikes.   whining. The rest depends on what mood she’s in. Something small wouldn't bother her one minute, but the next it could be her biggest pet peeve.

  personality.     Iriseli has an air around her of confidence and pride. She can be cruel and often has ulterior motives. She’s also selfish and easily angered which causes her to have violent tendencies. She can lie with ease and is capable of being highly persuasive when necessary; after all, you're either in her way or someone she's deemed useful. Her job demands that she be able to change faces at a moment's notice, and she's become intimately familiar with this skill. However, when it serves her, she's likely to drop the façade entirely in favor of blunt honesty.None of these things mean she's completely unapproachable, though; in fact, she seems rather friendly at times. It's the why that's unknown.

social skills★★★★★★★★☆☆

headcanon one. She doesn't like anything intimate. Emotional or physical, she will likely find any way she can to avoid it.
headcanon two.She doesn't settle for long anywhere—or maybe she does, but thoughts don’t.
headcanon three. Her trust is almost impossible to gain and those that do? If they lose it, it's gone.
headcanon four. She had a child. Had being the keyword here. Her child was killed by enemies tied to the Lotus, she hasn't been the same much since.
headcanon five. She is easily angered, quick to get violent, and is amused by harming others. She only cares about herself and a few others, other than that? You're either in her way or momentarily useful.
headcanon six. She has to take tonics to sleep.


Born one of the direct descendants to the Matriarch, you would take one look at Iriseli and think there would be no way given what she is today. However, there was a time when her peoples' way and the life of the wood were the only things that mattered to her. She would have died for them and with how she is now? Maybe she did.How she came to be known as a heartbreaker and killer are a mystery to every one but herself. Iriseli ventured to Kugane and befriended Fox. Iriseli was thrust into a life of crime, stripping, and loud music; a life of drugs, sex, and gil. She adapted and learned what people wanted and how to get whatever she wanted from them.Power hungry, there is no stopping her now.




  • fire magic. Iriseli would burn anything or anyone down given the chance.

  • sleep spells. She uses them when she needs to.

  • familiar. She has a small, feline familiar. She might send it to spy on people from time to time or deliver a message.

physical combat.

  • chakrams. She is most physically well-versed with them and daggers.

  • hand-to-hand combat. She was taught this in the woods and still knows how to pack a punch despite her size.

strengths & weaknesses.

Loyal (selective)Secretive


  • alchemy. Need a poison? She's your girl.

  • Information. She's extremely good at putting her nose where she shouldn't.

  • First Aid She knows how to stop bleeding and that's about it. Anything healing wise? She has zero clue about and you're better off finding someone else.

  • Fire performance Being obsessed with fire it was no surprise she learned this art.

  • Stripping Self explanatory. She's great on a pole (insert joke here).


i was made to destroy. —— not to fix & not to heal but to break, to conquer, & to [ kill ]

  • dancer. Part time club girl, part time stripper. She's worked at a few places. Money is money, and Iriseli likes to keep her pockets lined. Lately she's mostly been seen partying in clubs as a patron.

  • Assassin. Did you really think she wouldn't get her hands dirty?

  • Informant. She's been hired a few times to be a pretty face and gather information and she does it extremely well. Maybe you've hired her...or maybe she's used you for intel.

  • Gold Digger. I think this one speaks for itself, has Iriseli conned coin from your character before?

now you look fun.

I'm pretty flexible when it comes to hooks and character meetings, just shoot me a message or whisper with an idea and we can work something out! If there isn't a hook here but you've thought of something else that might fit, I'll probably go along with it.

  • Golmore Jungle. There was a time when Iriseli wasn't about vanity and pride. The only pride she held was for her village and her birthplace. What happened? Maybe you remember her from then.

  • Kugane. Currently, she's holed up in a rather expensive and lavish apartment; one that is heavily guarded. She's also been spotted around a few criminal rings within the city as well as in the markets shopping.

Just a heart broke bitch, high heels, six inch, in the back of the nightclub, sippin' champagne. I don't trust any of these bitches I'm with in the back of the taxi, sniffin' cocaine. Drunk calls, drunk texts, drunk tears, drunk sex


Bite my tongue, bide my time; wearing a warning sign. Wait 'til the world is mine

You're a poison and I know that is the truth
All my friends think you're vicious
And they say you're suspicious
You keep dreaming and dark scheming

Pamina Shadecross. | carrd | Half-sister on her father's side. For everyone that had no idea about Iriseli, the two are extremely close. Iriseli must have sworn Pamina and Harper to secrecy for a while likely due to the nature of her job. Pamina shares her love for fire.

Zhafina Pech. | Iriseli's half-sister on her father's side. Not a lot is known about her.

aslan calidon. | Iriseli was merely told his name in a hushed whisper growing up, after all, the village wasn't meant to know she was only half Viera.

Harper Delacroix. | carrd. | Half-sister on her father's side. For everyone that had no idea about Iriseli, the two are extremely close. Iriseli must have sworn Pamina and Harper to secrecy for a while likely due to the nature of her job. The pair share very similar vices.

Acalan Pech. | Iriseli's half-brother on her father's side. Not a lot is known about her.

[REDACTED] | Not much is known about Iri's mother, including her name. She's almost never spoken of.

Rielle Kamata. | carrd. | Mentor, co-operator of the Spider Lily. Probably Iriseli's best friend and yet... she is rarely ever seen.

Xyphris Shadecross. | carrd. | Probably one of the few people Iriseli really calls a friend. They go way back.

Ana Kurai. | carrd. | Best friend.

Ceithil Ras'vanae. | Probably one of her favorite business partners she has ever met. He gets her, she gets him. She now happily refers to him as her second boss.

Arken Rennatta. | carrd. | They might have dated. She might have stolen almost all of his money.

Ana Kurai. | carrd. | Close friend.

You can pretend you don't miss me
You can pretend you don't care
All you wanna do is kiss me
Oh, what a shame I'm not there